
Want a no-hassle approach to raising funds for your PTA or school?
No collecting money from family and friends
No eating chocolate candy bars that you're supposed to sell
It's a win-win-win for everyone! (parent/caregiver, child, and school)

Tell your fundraising organization about this easy way to generate funds for your school.
For every automatic monthly renewal purchase ($1.99), your PTA/school receives 50% ($1.00).
If 200 adults signup to receive affirmation texts monthly, your school receives $200 each month! After 5 months, that's $1000. THE MORE ADULTS WHO SIGN UP, THE MORE MONEY YOUR SCHOOL RECEIVES!
Get as many adults as possible to sign up! Parents and guardians will feel good as their kids feel good receiving the affirmations.


Direct parents/guardians/caregivers to this website ( Parents purchase the automatic monthly billing of $1.99 by clicking the Buy Now button below.
After purchasing, the adult will be directed to a sign up page to enter the ADULT'S phone number (NOT their child's phone number) and other contact information.

Sit back and wait for a check written to your organization to help improve your school.
A check with your PTA/school's earnings will be sent monthly.